Sunday, March 7, 2010

It's Not ALL About Me...or...My Husband Makes Jewelry!

Being and artist, I am so blessed to be married to a man who is also an artist. My husband is a multi-talented man. He is a photographer, writer, poet and has newly discovered a talent for jewelry making.

Here are his first creations.

The earrings are not pre-formed. He snipped and bent each piece of wire by hand.

The necklaces are from a pre-made metal choker. Hubby took pre-made pendants and embellished them with wire attaching them to the choker.

I am most proud (and impressed) with the bride and groom choker. This is completely his original design. He used a pre-formed choker to spiral around his choker base and then attached the charms. I've already put in my order for one! It will be fun looking for just the right charms for it!

I'm so proud of him! It's been interesting to collaborate on some things with him. The difficulty I find is, since I'm an artist too, I want to run with my idea instead of giving him creative freedom to do his project!


InTheFastLane said...

Those are really super cool! And Cute! Is he going to put any on etsy?

Unknown said...

Very cool! I love the red bead earrings!

Dapoppins said...

My husband is an artist too, and gee, do we literally see with a different lenses.

Love the curls. I have tried to curl wire and it always looks nasty bent. Those artist types make it look so easy!

spidermomrootswriter said...

I 'specially like the earrings - the 3 styles are definitely types that I'm inclined to pick out of a crowd...

Mary said...

oh wow! He is talented!!

You will never be without jewelry!! :) I love jewelry!!