Saturday, January 17, 2009

Oh Happy Day...

Oh glorious delight.

It's 17 degrees outside this morning which, to me, is as cold as the North Pole. At least, it feels that way to my southern bones, where anything below 32 degrees calls for staying in the house and hibernating like a bear. My current giddy state is due, not to the weather --we have nothing to show for our popscicle-ey temperatures--but to the fact that my schedule has opened up and I have no obligations to take me from my warm, snuggly home. As the rest of the family slumbers under their cocoon of blankets, I have slipped to the computer to catch up on the latest. I've brewed some coffee to which I added vanilla flavoring and ground cinnamon to the grounds before brewing. Speaking of coffee, has anyone else discovered Truvia?

Morning has to be my favorite part of the day. It's as if even the sun throws off a light that is promising. There's the opportunity of things to be done, fun to be had.

So, if you will excuse me, I need another cup of coffee to sip on while I read your blogs and find inspiration for my day...


InTheFastLane said...

Hey that is WARM here :) I was happy to see it was 12 outside when I took the dog out this morning, instead of the -15 it was yesterday.
I still can't get used to that. I am still a California girl at heart.

Enjoy your morning!

hepsmom said...

How DO people tolerate this long-term? I can't even fathom it being this cold a few days. I was talking to a kid who used to live in New Jersey. He said that it's like this from October to March. Realizing that it's at least a small exaggeration, YUCK!