Monday, July 20, 2009

An Epiphany

The other night, my mind was wandering. I was idling fixing everything in my life. I move furniture, paint walls, organize my closet and fret over things I should have done better in these mind mazes of mine.

This specific time, I was thinking of the vacation I have coming and how I really can't afford a vacation but it will be well worth my time to take some time off. Otherwise, I may be paying for therapy in the very near future.

It occurred to me that if I will put away $20.00 a week, I will have $1040.00 at the end of the year! I've not been going out to lunch much, preferring to run home and grab some time with my family. I work 4 days a week and eat usually eat out with a friend once a week. If I add the money I would have used eating out say, $10.00 a day, I could have $2600.00!

That would make a rather decent vacation, don't ya think?

In my next daydream, I believe I'll go to...

Aww. Something else I have to figure out.


Unknown said...

That is exactly how, about 15 years ago, my husband and I got out of debt and started saving money, by coming to that same realization you just did. :D

InTheFastLane said...

I always saw I am going to put that money away...and then it disappears. gack.

Unknown said...

You know, we have one of those checking accounts that automatically transfer $1 every time you use your debit card to our savings account. We thought this would be a great way for us to save, but we end up transferring it all back into checking by month's end. Sigh. Not exactly going as planned.........