Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I'm Such a Follower!

I am flush with pride!

Last night after I got off work, it was a mad dash to see my girl at gymnastics, then I made a deal with my hubby--"after gymnastics, I'll go to the grocery store while you go run, then when you get back, I'll go run." We did it! I barely made it home by dark, but in the process of trying to out run the sun, I ran 2 miles! Then I was up this morning to meet with the personal trainer! I feel great!

I have set a goal with myself to really boost my exercise regime for the next 2 and a half months or so. I have a client who has gone on his own personal adventure and I'm using the time he will be gone as a mile marker, if you will, to see what I can get done while he's gone.

This is not unlike knowing someone is coming over and going on a tear to get the house overhauled before they get there.

Except, I'm overhauling my body.

I think I'm awakening some latent competiveness inside me. Also, I have a friend who has really begun running "for reals". Again, I gotta step up to the plate. If she can do it...I have no excuse not to do it.

It seems everyone I know is running!

O.K. It's either competiveness or peer pressure.

Monday, September 29, 2008

In the Event of a Babysitter, Find Your Nearest Waffle House.

Once a month the gym my daughter uses for gymnastics hosts a "Fun Gym". Held on a Friday evening from 7-11pm, it allows kids who are members of the gym to come and run, flip and tumble (with, of course, a break for pizza!). All this for the low price of $15 ($10 if you have a coupon!)

That is such a godsend for a couple of parents who don't have any babysitters on speed dial.

So this past Friday evening, my hubby and I used this opportunity to go to a session of a Creation conference. It was wonderful to be able to sit and give my full attention to the matter at hand. (That all changed when we returned the next morning, child in tow. But she really did remarkably well.) When the evening session was over, we still had a bit of time before it was time to pick up our girl so we did something we haven't done in ages...

We went to Waffle House.

I used to go to Waffle House fairly often when I lived in another town. I remember giving your order and the waitress would go over behind the counter and call out your order to the cook. I loved the hash browns. Scattered, covered smothered...etc. I just loved hearing them say all of that without getting tongue twisted! Hubby likes their grilled chicken sandwich. It was as good as I remembered it!

Sometimes it's fun to shake up the ordinary routine of life and do something off beat.

I'm all about it!

Friday, September 26, 2008

That's Not in My Job Description...but Wait While I Write it In.

Oh poor me.

Sometimes my job is so demanding and strenuous I just don't know if I can take it.

For instance, this morning, as part of the interview process, I tested the skills of a prospective esthetician by getting a facial.

I lay there contemplating her possible employment but it was kind of hard to focus because I was rather relaxed.

I think I'll need another facial to make up my mind.

I'm telling you...my job is strenuous.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Who Knew A Car Seat Could be the COOLEST Thing Ever?!

What with all this growing up someone is doing around here, I thought perhaps the time had come to graduate from the car seat to the "Big Kid" booster seat. It was met with resounding approval from one particular newly christened five year old.

Off we went to Target (and Michael's and Barnes and Noble--but you ought to know by now, I can't have one without the other!) where we found the coolest big girl seat ever! It's super cushy and has a place to put a drink and the armrests move up and down! But that's not the best part...it has reading lights so she can read on those trips we take at night where there's nothing else to do or see!!!

I want some for my car seat!!! There is nothing more boring than riding in a car at night and reading lights would go a long way in saving my sanity (and/or my husband's).

So now, every time we get in the car I hear: "Mommy, I love my super-duper seat!"

That right there makes life worth living, I tell ya.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Yes, Well...

"...and then she crashed and burned."

After exercising 3 days in a row, I ended up with a sinus infection, cold or something and although I worked out through it, (I felt puny, not completely sick) I crashed on the weekend feeling like crap.
I did get up and walk on Saturday but I only made it a mile before skulking to the grocery store and then home to piddle.
This morning I psyched myself up...
...and then back down again.

TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY! (which means, I have an appointment with my trainer, so I won't be laying out tomorrow!)

***help me out here runners. Is it o.k. to run everyday? Could I run in the a.m. and do curcuit training in the evening? Is that too much? I end up exercising several days in a row (3-4) then I don't work out for about 3 or 4 days because life takes over. A little advice?****

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Tuesday: did a 5k on the treadmill, running 2 of the 3.(whatever) miles.
Wednesday: Boot (or in my case-Bootie) Camp
Thursday: workout with personal trainer

In a stunning display of athletic prowess, I have been to the gym (and actually worked out while there) for three days in a row.

Thank you ....I'll wait for the applause to subside before continuing....
no really, you are too kind.....
now honestly, this is too much....
No. Thank YOU!!!


Now. Where was I?

Oh, yes.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Posting Issues...

Please see my post on Sunday...that's where all the photos are from the birthday girl's celebration!

I can't quite figure out how to start a post ahead of time and post it at a later date!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Evidence of my Capabilities...

Here's where I should be giving a recount on our birthday celebration, complete with pictures.
You'll be happy to know that I remembered to take my camera--not only to the classroom party, but also to the horse farm to capture my girl making history by riding on a horse for the first time!

I also LEFT my camera at the horse farm!

It amazes me sometimes that God has entrusted a child into my care...

Pictures and recap later.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Birthday Dreams....

My girl's birthday went really well. It was so much fun to watch her do something she had really hoped to do.

The birthday celebration began when we arrived at her preschool with cupcakes that she helped me bake and decorate. (Strawberry with white icing and sprinkles!) Her teacher put a birthday crown on her head and she sat at the head of the table with a cupcake full of her 5 candles. She blew out her candles and beamed.

After school and a quick bite to eat, we changed clothes and took off to the horse farm for a ride on a horse!

Miss Sara took our girl to the back pasture to catch "Seymour".

After brushing the horse with 3(!) different brushes, they put on the reigns, the bit and bridle, then the blanket and the saddle.

After finding a helmet that was just her size, then she took a ride around the ring.

She sat so tall and proud in the saddle!

When she was finished, she had to lead her horse back into the barn.

I think I had as much fun as she did! I loved being able to make at least one of her dreams come true!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My World

What a week!

I, for one, will be glad to see this weekend arrive if only to catch my breath.

It has been busy at work with clients waiting in the wings for cancellations (that aren't happening) and one of the girls has gone on maternity leave and I'm doing the ordering that she was doing on top of the other responsiblities I usually take care of . Let's just say it is taking me all week to place one of the orders because I've been getting it together between clients and chasin down other orders that haven't arrived.

I did something new that I've never done before... I gave a lady a microdermabrasion service yesterday. I practiced on one of my employees last week. I think it went well, because she rebooked with me. Our esthetician left, so it's up to all of us to perform these services now.
Oh joy.

I have worked out every day this week, so I am taking off today! Last night at Bootcamp, America (yes, that's really her name) pushed me to use more weight on bicep curls. The phrase "come on girl, you can do more than that!" just get's me. What can I say, I'm powerless to peer pressure. I told her I would be so sore today I wouldn't be able to lift the scissors and she just looked at me and said, "Pshht". She did spot me which helped immensely and I did it. I'm not feeling as sore as I thought I would! In fact, my biceps are not sore at all!

Gotta come home tonight and bake "pink" cupcakes for the big day tomorrow! I'm so excited about my girl's birthday! She is going to have so much fun and I'm going to help! I'll show you the pics as soon as I can....

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Believing. Through a Child's Eyes.

I know a little girl who wil be five on Friday.

Oh my gosh! She's mine!

Months ago, we went to visit a horse farm. They board horses and give lessons. My hubby, who is a cowboy at heart, did some drooling and dreaming over the horses. He would love to have one, but alas, our budget will not contain anyone else who is not contributing to the family in a monetary or otherwise functional way.

While we were there, my girl observed a couple of young girls having their riding lesson. She declared that she would like to ride a horse. There is a policy that you have to be at least five before they allow you to ride.


Ever since that visit, baby girl has said on a regular basis, "On my birthday, when I am five, I can ride a horse!" In great anticiption, we are marking days off on the calendar. I asked her a couple of days ago, "So, what do you want to do for your birthday?"

Bet you can't guess what she said.

Shall we say it together?...

"I'm going to ride a horse!"

I asked her where she thought she would go to ride a horse.

"The horse farm!!"

Of course.

Monday, September 8, 2008

"Just Do It"? Did it!

The over used advertising tag line says: "Just do it".

So I did.

I got out of my bed, changed clothes and (groggily) drove to the gym. I got on the treadmill and set it for a 5k. I ran some, I walked some but when I got to the last mile I girded my loins and ran (and ran and ran, it felt like).

So thank you for the encouragement and sympathy.

Tomorrow will be easier because I have an "appointment" to meet the personal trainer at the gym. Then there's a class on Wednesday night I like that I really hope to make.

I'm off to a good start!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Is There Any Help for Me?

Why am I such a reluctant runner?

I go to bed at night pumped up and planning where I'll go to run, how far I'll run and map out a route in my head. I'll weigh the options of running around my neighborhood, driving up town and running around town (where there are more sidewalks), or going to the gym and getting on the treadmill. At night, all of those sound like great ideas.

Somehow, those grand ideas hold no power whatsoever when my ears hear the alarm and my eyes struggle to open the next morning. I amble around, drinking coffee and cruising the internet and then realize, I really need to get ready to go...wherever.

Now, I'm awake and ready to run but can't because I've got to go wherever my obligation takes me that day.


Sometimes I don't like me very much.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Chitter Chatter

I have had so much "fun" analyzing myself this week.

What a difference a couple of days makes.

Tuesday--I can't even describe Tuesday. I was not myself at all. I had a headache the whole blasted day and didn't care to talk to anyone. (Diffficult when working as a hairstylist) Let's just say I was glad to see that day end. It never got better.

Thursday--I felt great while working out at 5:30am. I even walked a mile afterward. My mood was off the charts happy. I can't remember the last time I was in that good of a mood. I have no idea why. I just woke up that way. (Of course, running out of paper in the credit card machine at 5:00pm when the salon was at fever pitch and I couldn't get a hold of the bank, deflated me a bit.)

I've spent the rest of my "free" time watching hurricanes and the GOP convention. Thank God for the internet! I don't have cable, satellite or rabbit ears. I tell my clients that they ARE my source for news and information!

I really don't think we'll get anything much from Hanna. (It aggravates me that they didn't spell Hannah right.) But I have been a little preoccupied thinking about what would happen "if". I've gotten several gallons of water and tried to think about what we could eat if there were no electricity. That's as far as I've gotten.

I'm working today. I work one Saturday a month. Today's schedule is packed solid and extended.

What are you doing today?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Pep in My Step


I'm feeling rather smug, self-satisfied and self-righteous.

I got up and went to the 5:30 am Body Pump class this morning.

And that's not all...

When I finished that, I ran/walked a mile.

I would have/could have done more, but...nature calleth. Dang it.

I think my bio-rythyms are up or something. I feel exuberant!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Oh Look! It's Wednesday!

Maybe I've come back to my senses.

The holiday weekend left me dazed and confused.
I returned to work yesterday, but my brain never joined me.
I've been eating crap. (To supplement the good stuff I'm eating!)


Today is a new day!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Spreadin' the Love

Bloggy love from Bebe at Peaches and Dreams...

Here are the rules of this award.

1. The receiver can put the logo on his or her blog.

2. Link to the person from whom you received the award.

3. Nominate at least 7 other bloggers.

4. Put links of those blogs on your blog.

5. Leave a message on the blogs of those you mentioned.
