Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I'm Such a Follower!

I am flush with pride!

Last night after I got off work, it was a mad dash to see my girl at gymnastics, then I made a deal with my hubby--"after gymnastics, I'll go to the grocery store while you go run, then when you get back, I'll go run." We did it! I barely made it home by dark, but in the process of trying to out run the sun, I ran 2 miles! Then I was up this morning to meet with the personal trainer! I feel great!

I have set a goal with myself to really boost my exercise regime for the next 2 and a half months or so. I have a client who has gone on his own personal adventure and I'm using the time he will be gone as a mile marker, if you will, to see what I can get done while he's gone.

This is not unlike knowing someone is coming over and going on a tear to get the house overhauled before they get there.

Except, I'm overhauling my body.

I think I'm awakening some latent competiveness inside me. Also, I have a friend who has really begun running "for reals". Again, I gotta step up to the plate. If she can do it...I have no excuse not to do it.

It seems everyone I know is running!

O.K. It's either competiveness or peer pressure.


Bebe said...

Hey girl!!

You ran 2 miles...without provocation, without seeing a mouse, without having Brad Pitt at the end???? WOW!! That's wonderful!! :) You've really been setting your goals and reaching them and I think that is fantastic!! Don't go overboard ~ give yourself a treat day soon as a reward.

Thanks for your comment about Paul Newman. Old blue eyes for sure! That dreamy stare could make a mannequin go week in the knees! There's no one like him today!

Lots of hugs, Bebe :)

InTheFastLane said...

If you are going to be pressured into something, this is certainly a good one. Go Go Go!

Jenny said...

Ok, I know you don't know me but I ain't running! I need to, but I just can't bring myself to it!

Good for you though, my daughter runs and loves it!

hepsmom said...

You SO have this! I'm on car mania 2008, or I'd be running tonight. Got a new tire to replace the flat spare. Now to school to replace tire, so I can go back to tire place to check the other tires. Oh, the fun!

Amy Nieto said...

I began walking today. Walked a mile to the supermarket. Tomorrow I will walk that same mile to deposit a check and a mile to walk back. Seeing as the rainy season began, Im not gonna buy a bike yet. Ill rely on walking, bus and my baby car.

So we'll see....

I am glad you are doing this, awesome vibes to you!