Monday, February 11, 2008

Weekend in Pictures (in rather random order because blogger is persnikity.)

This is where the magic happens everyday.

If you look closely, you'll see one of my paintings hanging in the window for Valentine's.

I wasn't here over the weekend. For a change.

I did some cooking.

I tried my hand at beignets.

I've never made beignets before, I've never even had one before. If they're ugly, don't tell me. Ignorance is bliss.

We went to this ice cream/candy store and I asked if I could take photos. I had already taken a photo of the swirly suckers, so this photo of my girl eating ice cream is undercover.

We also went to a horse farm. We all loved seeing the horses. I love being out in the country. I could live there. I think.


InTheFastLane said...

I love the way you catch all the colors in your pictures.

BTW - I will do that meme...I am working on it. Promise.

Laci said...

Hey thanks for your comment, I appreciate the compliments. May I ask who it is that referred you to my blog? THanks!

LunaNik said...

Ohhhh...I LOVE the perspective of these pics!!

Very nice!!!