Friday, October 12, 2007


The local library's fall booksale is this weekend. Look what I scored! I tend to go through and pick what strikes my fancy and hold my breath when I check out. All this for $15.50! My favorites are the Arts and Craft book, (love that graphic cover!) the Do-it-yourself book, and the organic gardening book. I love to buy children's books that I remember from when I was young(er). I find that I still love them. Hurray for books!
(I really need to learn how other people intersperse their photos throughout the blog instead of wadded up at the top. It doesn't matter that I type a little and add a picture. It puts them where it wants them. So much to learn about blogger.)

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Man, I didn't know about that! :o(
Great finds though. You'll have to let me know the next time a sale comes around.